Making chemistry
towards sustainability

Our novel catalyst enables the polymerization and depolymerization
of bioplastics in environmental conditions.

Enabling a circular biobased economy

Biobased and compostable plastics are the only solution to the plastic waste problems that plague our planet because their production model is in line with all the principles of the circular economy. The advantage of bioplastics lies in their obtaining from biomass, and in the possibility of being recycled through controlled techniques such as composting.

Closing the plastic loop

The chemical recycling allows to fully close the plastic loop because we can obtain the raw materials needed for their production in a repetitive and infinite cycle, obtaining the same material quality and properties.

Low molecular weight bioplastics

We offer low molecular weight bioplastics, such as PLA and other PHAs, for use as additives to other high molecular weight bioplastics used as a matrix.

High molecular weight bioplastics

We offer high molecular weight bioplastics, such as PLA and other PHAs, for use as additives to other high molecular weight bioplastics used as a matrix.

Closing the plastic loop

Chemical recycling

The efficiency of our technology has been proven in our laboratories with the depolymerization of a commercial PLA spoon, shown in the image on the left.

Chemical recycling technology allows the initial monomers to be recovered, allowing their recycling in a closed and infinite way and obtaining the same properties as virgin materials.

Energy efficiency

Low energy intensive

In 2023, more than 95% of plastics still come from fossil sources like oil and gas. The manufacturing processes are very energy intensive due to the high temperatures and pressures required to manufacture the plastics, and the carbon footprint is approximately 6 Kg CO2 eq per Kg of plastic.

Our novel catalyst polimerizes the bioplastic under environmental conditions, which makes our production process footprint have

Discover how we calculate our environmental footprint

Photo of a high pollutant refinery from Adobe photo galery.